Prevention Education
The Child Advocacy Center offers sexual abuse prevention education programs for children, parents, and professionals in the community. The school programs are created for children beginning in Early Childhood through High School. The primary focus of our programs is to educate children about appropriate boundaries and empower victims to disclose abuse to safe adults.
In addition to educating children, we know it’s important to educate the adults in their lives. We want to improve adults’ responses to these disclosures so that children can receive early intervention and protection. Our parent programs educate caregivers on child sexual abuse and ways to protect children online.
We provide Mandated Reporter Training for professionals working with children. This training empowers adults to recognize and report abuse. Our Preventing Predators in the Workplace training further educates youth-serving organizations. The goal of this program is to create a safe environment for children through establishing child protective policies, addressing boundary violations, and making a report of abuse.
Our programs are available to schedule online via Zoom or in-person at this time.
The Facts
Become a part of an educated and empowered community where all children are safe from harm. Select one of the locations listed below and request a speaker for your school, community group, corporation, or place of worship.
Contact us to schedule a student, parent, or professional program from our Hannibal office.
Contact us to schedule a student, parent, or professional program from our Wentzville office.
Prevention Tips for Parents

- Teaching correct names for private body parts gives children the language to tell.
- Tell children no one should look at or touch their private body parts unless they are asking for help or if they are hurt.
- Let your child know it’s ok to say “no” to anyone if they feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
- Be involved. Don’t be afraid to ask questions of other adults caring for your child.
- Establish a “No Secrets” rule with your child and anyone who cares for your child. (Explain “secrets” versus “surprises”)
- Talk to your child every day and take time to really listen and observe.