The Child Advocacy Center of Northeast MO

Child Abuse Prevention Month

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month

The pinwheel has become the national symbol for child abuse prevention. Why? Because by its very nature, the pinwheel represents playfulness and joy. It has come to serve as a physical reminder of the happy childhood that every child deserves.

Join us in raising awareness and giving caregivers the tools to protect children from abuse. Here’s how you can get involved.

Prevention Month Shirts

Purchase a shirt or hoodie to raise awareness about child abuse during Child Abuse Prevention Month

Shirts may be shipped or picked up at our Wentzville or Hannibal offices.

Attend our gala

Join us for our 12th Annual One With Courage Gala

April 26, 2025  |  6PM  |  Ameristar Casino 


The Facts

22,308Children received Prevention Education in 2020
The largest age group we saw for forensic interviews in 2020 was 7-11 years old.
In 2020, 55.4% of our forensic interviews were female, 44.4% were male, .2% were undisclosed.
In 2020 926 Children interviewed about alleged abuse​
In 2020 2,689 Adults received Prevention Education
90% of child sexual abuse is by someone the child likes, loves, or lives with.
1 in 6 boys and 1 in 4 girls will be sexually abused before they turn 18.
Nearly 700,000 children are abused in the U.S. each year.
Children 3 years old and younger have the highest maltreatment rate.
Only 5% to 16% of child sexual abuse victims report and false allegations are rare
Sex offenders are 3.5x more likely to confess if a child has had a forensic interview at a child advocacy center

Prevention Tips for Parents

  • Knowing correct names for private body parts gives children the language to tell.
  • Tell children no one should look at or touch their private body parts unless they are asking for help or if they are hurt.
  • Let your child know it’s ok to say “no” to anyone if they are making them feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
  • Be involved. Don’t be afraid to ask questions of other adults caring for your child.
  • Establish a “No Secrets” rule with your child and anyone who cares for your child. (Explain “secrets” versus “surprises”)
  • Talk to your child every day and take time to really listen and observe.