The Child Advocacy Center of Northeast MO

Our Services:


Mental health therapy allows children to process their experience in a safe, supportive environment. Children participate in evidence based, trauma informed therapy modalities to reduce the harmful effects of the trauma they have experienced. While working with their therapist, children develop healthy coping skills, gain self-confidence, learn to understand and effectively express emotions, and are able to identify and draw on their own strengths to leave them better equipped to handle life’s challenges.

Children who have received a forensic interview at the CAC may be referred for therapy. In addition, anyone in the child’s immediate family and touched by the trauma are also eligible for services.

We accept referrals from anyone for our Problematic Sexualized Behavior group.

Specialized therapy services available include:

  • EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
  • PCIT (Parent Child Interactive Therapy)
  • Play Therapy
  • ITCT: Integrative Treatment for Complex Trauma
  • TF-CBT: Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • AF-CBT: Alternative for Families Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • TGCT-A: Trauma and Grief Component Therapy for Adolescents

When a child endures a traumatic experience, the whole family feels its effects. We know that caring, supportive adults in a child’s life can lessen the impact. The Child Advocacy Center aims to restore hope in families and empower children by helping them feel seen and heard, learn how to cope with scary thoughts and intense feelings, build resilience, and be around adults who understand the effects of trauma on a young person’s life.

"I was able to heal through my family and the support I received through therapy. Today my mental health is the best it's ever been." -Child Survivor

The Facts

In 2023, we provided sexual abuse prevention education to 51,562 children
In 2023, 1,142 children received forensic interviews about alleged abuse.
In 2023, 766 of our forensic interviews involved sexual abuse
60% of child sexual abuse victims never tell.
90% of child sexual abuse is by someone the child likes, loves, or lives with.
1 in 10 children will be sexually abused before the age of 18.
Nearly 700,000 children are abused in the U.S. each year.
Sex offenders are 3.5x more likely to confess if a child has had a forensic interview and disclosed at a child advocacy center