The Child Advocacy Center of Northeast MO

The Child Advocacy Center


The Internet Safety Program is created for 3rd and 5th grade students. The Internet Safety Program develops your child’s understanding of ways to use the internet safely. The program is age appropriate and designed to increase awareness of safety, boundaries, and what children can do if they feel uncomfortable online.

Students will:

  • Understand ways to stay safe online
  • Identify the pressures of being online
  • Understand the importance of leaving a positive digital footprint
  • Know the importance of reporting when made to feel uncomfortable online

Check out our resources!


In 2023, we provided sexual abuse prevention education to 51,562 children
In 2023, 1,142 children received forensic interviews about alleged abuse.
In 2023, 766 of our forensic interviews involved sexual abuse
60% of child sexual abuse victims never tell.
90% of child sexual abuse is by someone the child likes, loves, or lives with.
1 in 10 children will be sexually abused before the age of 18.
Nearly 700,000 children are abused in the U.S. each year.
Sex offenders are 3.5x more likely to confess if a child has had a forensic interview and disclosed at a child advocacy center